The CYM Summit (mass and adoration) will be held every Wednesday at :
1. Infant Jesus Parish Morley (9th & 23rd November and 7th December)
47 Wellington Rd, Morley WA 6062
2. Catholic Pastoral Centre Of Our Lady Of The Mission
(16th & 30th November and 14th December)
40A Mary St, Highgate WA 6003
For the months of NOVEMBER and DECEMBER, dates for Summit will be Infant Jesus Parish Morley on the 9th November, 23rd November, 7th December, and in Catholic Pastoral Centre Of Our Lady Of The Mission on the 16th November, 30th November and 14th December.
Mass will start at 6PM followed by adoration after.
For any inquiries regarding our youth ministry please don’t hesitate to contact 9310 1747 or contact CYM directly at or 9422 7912.
Visit them at or follow them on Facebook.