On behalf of Fr. Simeon and the Parish Clergy, I would like to express my sincere
thanks to all those who dedicated themselves in the preparation for a very meaningful Holy Week and helped in making our Easter celebrations special.
Parishioners in the various ministries:
· acolytes led by Joe Nonis,
· altar servers, lectors & extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist,
· the music ministries, cantors, psalmists, musicians,
· the youth group and the youth music ministry,
· collectors & greeters,
· Beverley Bucat and the sacristan team,
· Safeguarding Officers,
· those who helped with the candles – Juliana Doss, Pat Byrne, Minnie Lauw,
· Joan Louie and the flower team,
· Louis Papineau and the creative liturgy team,
· Altar of Repose – Juliana Doss
· the Liturgy committee,
· the RCIA core group,
· Vincent Tan, Francis Chow & Eugene Lim (Outdoor sound),
· Max Mayes & Youth Leaders (chairs),
· Delfino Morais and Cyril Goh (Easter Fire),
· Catherine Tan (lighting),
· Jonathan Doss & Fio Oetomo (Photographers),
· Louis Papineau (Easter eggs) and
· the Parish staff.
Thank you to the parishioners for all your kind assistance in distributing our Easter
leaflets to invite your neighbours, friends and relatives to our celebrations. Many
other people who worked behind the scenes and are very eager to serve by giving
so much of their time and energy to make our Easter celebrations very special for
We are so grateful to Fr. Simeon, Fr. Thi, Deacon Bruce, and the Parish Staff for
your unfailing support over the busy time leading up to Holy Week and the Easter
weekend. We pray that you and your families will be blessed with joyful hope as
you enter into the new life of the Risen Christ. Happy Easter, Fr. Phong