Last weekend, 65 children from Corpus Christi College, St Thomas More Parish and our surrounding schools, received the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist for the first time. As Parish Priest, and on behalf of Fr Anthony, I would like to thank everyone involved in the organisation of this very important celebration. Whilst so many people are involved and their efforts are so much appreciated, I would especially like to thank, our Parish Religious Education Coordinator Mrs Judy Machado, the children’s teachers, Mr Louis Papineau, Ms Erika Machado, Corpus Christi College Head of Primary Katya Anderson, Corpus Christi Coordinators – Emily Wayne, Veronica Carter, School teachers Mr Simon Overton, Mrs Bianca Craine, and Ms Carma De Groot, Mrs Angela McCarthy from the Bateman Music Ministry, Mrs Jackie Carroll, Corpus Christi College Music teacher. Special thanks to Veronica Soegandhi & family for the beautiful flower arrangements. To Alvin & Dina Sukumono for the delicious Muffins (Muffin Break). Also thank you to Mr & Mrs Louis Papineau from our Creative Liturgy team, Mr Cyril Goh, Mr Danny Ng, for the overhead live streaming video, our photographer Mr Gerard de Souza, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar servers and Acolytes for the support you provided. Thank you all for making this such a wonderful celebration for our Parish. God bless. Fr Phong