Last weekend 78 Parish children received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
As Parish Priest, and on behalf of Fr Garner, Fr Cyprian and Deacon Bruce I would like to thank everyone involved in the organisation of this very important celebration.
Whilst so many people are involved and their efforts are so much appreciated, I would especially like to thank :
- The Most Rev. Barry Hickey, Emeritus Archbishop of Perth as celebrant
- Deacon Damien The children’s teachers: Mrs Florence Ayeni, Mrs Saida Nikolic, Mr Jean-Paul Papineau, Mr Simon Overton and Mr Owen Connolly
- Yidarra Principal: Mrs Carmel Costin
- Yidarra Deputy Principals: Mrs Tanya Giovannangelo and Mrs Sally Hart,
- Parish RE Coordinator: Jenny Figliomeni
- Belinda Norris and the wonderful Bateman Parish Youth Music Ministry
- Mrs Diana Puspita and her parent helpers for the beautiful flower arrangements
- Louis Papineau and Stephen Choi from our Creative Liturgy team
- Mrs Beverly Bucat, Mrs Geraldine Mo, Michael and Clement Ayeni, Robert Lud-low as well as the staff and parent helpers who served as sash sewers, ushers, and cake cutters
- The Acolytes: Mathew Tloczek and Paul Doss
- The Special Ministers and Altar servers
- The photographer: Gerard de Souza.
Thank you all for making this such a wonderful celebration for our Parish. God bless!
Fr. Phong