You may have heard that there are some exciting times ahead with significant renovations and new facilities being proposed for our Parish.
A committee has been formed to progress this work which is planned to be:
Renovation of the Sanctuary including improvements to the location and design of the Tab-ernacle, Ambo, Cantor Lectern and Crucifix. Also under consideration are some practical items such as new flooring, improved access for people with disability and the design of audio-visual screens.
Improvements to the garden areas near the vehicle portico at the entry to the church in or-der to manage parking and provide somewhere comfortable to sit, chat and wait.
Construction of a Columbarium; to create a restful place in which parishioners ashes can be interned; most likely on the east side of the church adjacent the entry portico
The “Projects Committee” has the following members:
Father Phong
Father Simeon
Deacon Bruce
Michelle Doray
Stephen Wong
Max Mayes
Jeff DeSilva
Matt Lim
Angela McCarthy
Eamon Broderick (Chairperson)
The Projects Committee would like to invite any interested Parishioners to join us to dis-cuss these projects at the following sessions:
Consultation Session with Parishioners:
Wednesday 30/10/2019
Parish Hall
7pm – 8pm
Feedback Session to Parishioners
Wednesday 20/11/2019
Parish Hall
7pm – 8pm
We look forward to hearing your views on these proposed developments in order to inform our committee as we progress towards design and construction.