Pope Francis wants to hear from young people. All 16-29 y.o. are being invited to
be part of an international conversation with Pope Francis. A Synod on youth will
be held in October 2018 & young people have a chance to share their thoughts
with Pope Francis. Those aged 16-29 don’t have to be active or connected with the
Church to answer the survey. All who complete the survey can go in the running to
win one of three Dr Dre Solo 2.0 on-ear headphones. Complete the survey here by
2nd July, 2017:www.catholic.org.au/youthsurvey
Pope Francis said, ‘Every young person has something to say to others…all of
us need to listen to you!’, and he added ‘even young people who consider
themselves agnostics, even young people whose faith is lukewarm; even
young people who no longer go to Church; even young people who consider
themselves atheists’.