On World Mission Sunday this week-end, our Holy Father, Pope Francis implores us to not close our hearts within our own particular concerns, but to continually open them up to all of humanity. He asks every Catholic parish community throughout the world to engage and involve their young people in renewing, reaching out and uniting in the Church’s mission of love for the poor and in so doing ‘give back to God what belongs to God’. An apt message as we prepare for the up-coming Year of Youth. So on behalf of Pope Francis and all our Catholic missionaries serving overseas, and as your Catholic Mission director, I would like to offer my personal and heart-felt thanks for the $6,757.30 that has been raised so far from the weekend appeal held in May and for the regular monthly support we receive each year. Should you wish to participate in God’s Mission more fully by, helping us promote the work of Catholic Mission and the vision of Pope Fran-cis, leaving a gift in your will or exploring what a lay missionary experience could involve, then feel free to email me at director.cm@perthcatholic.org.au for a chat about the possibilities